


God’s Creative Beauty


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God’s Creative Beauty

O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures. . . . May the glory of the Lord last forever! Psalm 104:24, 31


As I look out at our bird habitat in the backyard, yellow, purple, black and white, and red miniature finches flit from branch to branch. Blazing red cardinals, persistent woodpeckers, and chattering blue jays compete for a place at the feeders and suet blocks. Doves fly in and feast for a few minutes on the sunflower seeds scattered on the ground. The variety of winged creatures astounds me, each different and beautiful in its own vibrant way. But that’s only in my backyard and with only a few types of one species God made! There are thousands and thousands more. Yet even gazing at this microcosm, I’m struck by the incredible variety and beauty God has created in the world around us. And the same God who hung the stars and moon in the heavens and made these feathered friends in my yard and every other creature on earth shapes and forms each of us humans uniquely for his purposes. Everywhere we look we see evidence of his infinite creativity. In wisdom he has made it all!

LORD, I praise you for the beauty of your creation and for the infinite variety of things you have made! Your Word says that the wonders of creation are sufficient to reveal your attributes and leave us without any excuse for not seeking you. Open my eyes more and more to the evidence of your creative power all around me. May your glory last forever!

To me it seems as if when God conceived the world, that was poetry; he formed it, and that was sculpture; he colored it, and that was painting; he peopled it with living beings, and that was grand, divine, eternal drama.
Emma Stebbins (1816–1876)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Judges 19:1–20:48; John 3:22–4:3; Psalm 104:24-35 and Proverbs 14:22-24.

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