


God’s Everlasting Arms


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God’s Everlasting Arms

There is no one like the God of Israel. He rides across the heavens to help you, across the skies in majestic splendor. The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you. Deuteronomy 33:26-27


Our world seemed to be falling apart. My husband was severely depressed, and his business was crumbling. As I tried to support and nurture our children, help my husband, and take up the slack financially, I became drained physically, spiritually, and mentally. I cried out to God in exhaustion, and I felt his everlasting arms underneath me. Quieting my racing heart, the Lord reminded me that although my own resources might be exhausted, his resources were limitless.

During that difficult season I experienced God as my refuge when there was nowhere else to turn, and I felt his security in the middle of a very uncertain, insecure time.

In today’s passage Moses praises the Lord and assures the Israelites that God will be with them no matter what adversity or trial they encounter—that he is their refuge and underneath them are his everlasting arms. Do you need to feel God’s everlasting arms carrying you today because your strength is exhausted? Do you know someone who is in desperate straits and needs God’s help? Pray these verses for yourself or for someone else, and proclaim God’s faithfulness.

LORD, there is no one like you! You ride across the heavens in majestic splendor to help us when we cry out to you. May we experience you today as our refuge and sense your everlasting arms of protection and love holding us. I praise you for your faithfulness and unparalleled power!

When you are at the end of your rope, God is there to catch you—but not before.
Erwin W. Lutzer (b. 1941)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Deuteronomy 33:1-29; Luke 13:1-21; Psalm 78:65-72 and Proverbs 12:25.

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