
God’s Watchful Attention

God’s Watchful Attention

I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray. Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. You save with your strength those who seek refuge from their enemies. Guard me as the apple of your eye. Hide me in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 17:6-8


In this prayer psalm David uses two vivid word pictures to invoke God’s help for the danger that was pressing on him. “Guard me as the apple of your eye,” he says. He is asking the Lord to keep his eye on him, to show his love by guarding David with his watchful attention. David’s request “Hide me in the shadow of your wings” compares God’s protection to the way a mother bird cares for and shields her own babies from danger by gathering them under her spread wings to hide them from predators.

David rested his petitions on the fact that God’s very nature is to be loving, watchful, and protective. As you read these verses aloud, picture yourself as that little bird safe under God’s wings. When we rest in his presence and protection, we can trust in God’s care and infinite, unconditional love for us this day as well as in the days to come.

LORD, you are the God who cares for us watchfully and attunes your ears to our prayers, simply because we are your children. I ask that you show me your unfailing love today in whatever unexpected, wonderful ways you choose. I draw near to you and seek refuge from my enemies. Thank you for hiding me in the shadow of your wings. You guard me and give me life because I am the apple of your eye. Thank you for your tender, fatherly care.

Entrust yourself to God, as a child would entrust himself to his father. You will find that even in the darkest hour He will not let you fall.
Mother Basilea Schlink (1904–2001)

The One Year Bible readings for today are: Genesis 39:1–41:16; Matthew 12:46–13:23; Psalm 17:1-15 and Proverbs 3:33-35.

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