
He Will Take Care of You

He Will Take Care of You

Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. Psalm 55:22


There are times when, like the psalmist, we feel pursued by enemies or surrounded by difficulties. Our enemy may be financial trouble, ill health, or a person who misjudges or opposes us so that our “heart is in anguish” (v. 4). At that point we may be tempted to run away, retreat, or give up. But the Lord offers us something better. In this psalm, trials and problems cause us to cry out to him. Someone once said, “If you are swept off your feet, it’s time to get on your knees.” God encourages us to turn to him and call on him in our distress so that he can rescue us and keep us safe in the midst of the trouble. He may not immediately take us out of the situation, but he will guide us through the circumstances. He gives us a wonderful promise: If we give our burdens to him, he will take care of us and not allow us to slip and fall.

LORD, I give you every burden and concern I face today. And I thank you for your promise of care, provision, and safety. You will not allow me to slip or fall. I will trust in you because you are faithful forever to those who love you. I consider it a joy and privilege to be counted among the many who love you. Thank you for the freedom to ask for and receive your help.

Whatsoever it is that presses you, tell your Father; put over the matter into his hand, and so you will be free from that dividing, perplexing care that the world is full of.
Archbishop Robert Leighton (1611–1684)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Numbers 16:41–18:32; Mark 16:1-20; Psalm 55:1-23 and Proverbs 11:7.

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