
I Know Him

I Know Him

Then [Jesus] asked them, “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:15-16


How can people describe the ocean when they have not experienced it? How would they explain the waves that crash against the rocks or the shifting of the sand as the tide tugs at the shoreline? Are they able to put into words how the sand feels between their toes or describe the majesty of an endless blue horizon? Until they have taken a dip in the salty, white-frothed ocean, their descriptions would be limited.

Perhaps that is why Jesus asked the disciples to define their faith in him on a personal level rather than rely on what others had to say about him. Jesus challenged them to base their definition of who he was on the reality of what they had seen, heard, and experienced about him. Today, many stand in public platforms and attempt to define Jesus as a good man, a teacher, or a prophet while asserting that he could not possibly be the Messiah. Yet we who have experienced the depths of his grace and love can offer firsthand knowledge that he is real, that he has transformed our lives, and that his presence can bring light to a dark world.

Have you experienced the reality of who Christ is? Then you can confidently share the truth with others because you know him personally!

LORD, thank you for giving me a faith in you that is real and personal. There are so many who don’t know you and need to hear the truth. Help me to share my faith in such a way that others will be drawn to you and will accept you as their Savior.

Life passes, riches fly away, popularity is fickle, the senses decay, the world changes. One alone is true to us; one alone can be all things to us; one alone can supply our need.
Cardinal John Henry Newman (1801–1890)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Genesis 50:1Exodus 2:10; Matthew 16:13–17:9; Psalm 21:1-13 and Proverbs 5:1-6.

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