
Living in the Truth

Living in the Truth

Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is. Some of the brothers recently returned and made me very happy by telling me about your faithfulness and that you are living in the truth. 3 John 1:2-3


John’s joy is unmistakable in this letter. He had received a good report! His dear friend, Gaius, was living in the truth. This was a bright spot in an otherwise dark picture. Diotrephes, the local leader of the church, had mistreated a group of traveling teachers. When people in the church stepped in to defend them, he put them out of the church. He gossiped wickedly about John and undermined the leaders’ authority. Somewhere along the way Diotrephes had lost sight of the truth. He loved being a leader but had forgotten how to serve.

What does it mean to live in the truth? It means not only studying God’s Word but also putting it into practice. It means avoiding petty quarrels and power trips. It means serving others instead of being self-serving. It is being faithful to the task at hand. Pastors and leaders often carry heavy burdens, and many times they do so at great personal sacrifice. You have the ability to lighten their load. Determine to ease the burdens of those who serve by living in the truth.

GOD, I lift up all those in authority. Their job is difficult. Help me to be a blessing rather than a burden. Help me to be faithful and to practice what I believe. Lord, I pray not only for my pastor but for all the leaders in my church. Minister to them. Wrap your arms around their families. Help me to be a bright spot in their ministry by living in the truth!

Seek the truth Listen to the truth Teach the truth Love the truth Abide by the truth And defend the truth Unto death.
John Huss (1370–1415)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Hosea 6:1–9:17; 3 John 1-15; Psalm 126:1-6 and Proverbs 29:12-14.

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