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Our Home

Lord, through all the generations you have been our home! Before the mountains were created, before you made the earth and the world, you are God, without beginning or end. Psalm 90:1-2


One day I was wrestling with God about our impending move. This was the first house where I’d felt at home and the first one we owned in our ten years of marriage. It was small, but it was all ours. We had painted it lovely colors, wallpapered the kitchen, prepared a nursery for our baby, and built a wooden fort in the backyard for our sons. I didn’t want to pack the boxes. I didn’t want to move again, and I wrestled with God over this matter as I strolled my little ones around our beloved neighborhood. Lord, you know how hard we worked to fix up this house and how I love living here. As I continued telling him all the reasons I wanted to stay, his gentle whisper interrupted me. I am your dwelling place. Through all generations I have been and will be your home. Seeing God as my dwelling place that day changed the way I looked at moving—and at houses. No matter where I live, and we have lived in a number of houses since that first one, the Lord is my heart’s true home and will be for all eternity.

LORD, through all my life, you have been my true home. Through all generations, even before you made the earth, you have been our dwelling place. You are God, without beginning or end. I am thankful that wherever I go, I don’t have to feel insecure or anxious because you are there! Thank you for your faithfulness and loving-kindness that follows me all the days of my life.

To me remains not place or time; My country is in every clime; I can be calm and free from care On any shore, since God is there.
Madame Guyon (1648–1717)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Judges 1:1–2:9; Luke 21:29–22:13; Psalm 90:1–91:16 and Proverbs 13:24-25.

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