


Our Rescuer


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Our Rescuer

Deal well with me, O Sovereign Lord, for the sake of your own reputation! Rescue me because you are so faithful and good. For I am poor and needy, and my heart is full of pain. I am fading like a shadow at dusk; I am falling like a grasshopper that is brushed aside. Psalm 109:21-23


Perhaps one of the reasons God allows us to go through great trials is so that we might come to the end of our own resources and turn to him. Each difficulty is one more opportunity to depend on the Lord. When we are poor and needy, when we fade or fall or have hearts full of pain, we call on him and find him faithful. And as we cry out to God in prayer and he hears and answers us, we experience his strength and deliverance time after time. “No matter how difficult our circumstances are,” Oswald Chambers said, “they are the means of manifesting how wonderfully perfect and extraordinarily pure the Son of God is.” When you ask the Lord for help, remember the truth of this psalm and the countless other places in Scripture where God promises he will send help. For the sake of his reputation as a good and faithful God, he will rescue you, lift your life from the pit, and set you on a solid foundation of his faithfulness.

HEAVENLY FATHER, thank you for hearing my prayer and rescuing me because you are faithful and good. Forgive me for the times when I have exhausted my meager resources before calling out to you. When I am poor and needy and my heart is full of pain, prompt me to run to you first and to find rest in your faithfulness and goodness. In you, O Lord, I put my trust.

God hears prayer—God delights to hear prayer. He has allowed his people a thousand times over to be tried, that they might be compelled to cry to him, and learn to know him as the Hearer of Prayer.
Andrew Murray (1828–1917)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: 1 Samuel 14:1-52; John 7:31-53; Psalm 109:1-31 and Proverbs 15:5-7.

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