
Rejoice and Be Glad

Rejoice and Be Glad

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24


Some days we wake up with anything but a rejoicing spirit. We may not feel up to par physically. The sun may not have come out for a few days. Our life situation may be stressful; burdens may weigh heavily on our hearts. We may have experienced a loss. Unanswered prayers may be stacked as high as our pile of unpaid bills. Still, God has given us this day, and he calls us to rejoice in it. No matter what else is going on, God is still God, the Father, the Creator, who rules from his throne and declares his glory in every blade of grass, every bird that sings, every sunrise. Think of it—every day is new! His mercies are new. He has made us new creations in Christ Jesus and has given us a world full of his beauty. This day is another day to love our family and friends. It is another day to serve God, another day for him to extend his kingdom through us. It is another day of opportunity to trust him and see him work even in the problems and difficulties we face.

LORD, this is the day you have made, a place of new beginnings for me. You display your glory in all of creation. Help me to see your goodness and lift up my head and rejoice. No matter what happens during the next twenty-four hours, help me rejoice and be glad in the day you have made! And help me to see even my problems as one more opportunity to depend on you.

There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice.
John Calvin (1509–1564)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Ezekiel 40:28–41:26; James 4:1-17; Psalm 118:19-29 and Proverbs 28:3-5.

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