
Searching for God

Searching for God

Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his miracles. Exult in his holy name; O worshipers of the Lord, rejoice! Search for the Lord and for his strength, and keep on searching. Psalm 105:1-4


The psalmist calls us in these verses to praise God, give him thanks, proclaim his greatness, and let the whole world know what he has done, but he also calls us to search for the Lord and his strength and to keep on searching. To search means to look carefully and thoroughly in an effort to find something important. The original Hebrew text has the idea of seeking with our whole hearts continually, regularly, daily, and then depending on his strength for all the challenges we face in living as his followers instead of in our own strength.

In response to our searching, the Lord loves to reveal himself to us and then manifest his strength in our lives. He has not hidden his character from his people; over and over throughout the Bible, through his Son, Jesus, and through his Spirit and creation, he has revealed his heart, his glory, and his nature that we might know him. Those who seek God and give their time to searching for him and knowing him will find all their needs met in him.

LORD, I give thanks to you and proclaim your greatness! I want to tell everyone what you have done. Thank you for the many promises in your Word that you will come and strengthen me and reveal yourself so that I can know you more intimately. Cause me to seek you with all my heart, to search for you daily and throughout my life, and to depend on your strength for each day.

Our God loves to come; he wants to come forth in us, to rise up in us in all his beauty.
Margaret Therkelsen

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Ezekiel 7:1–9:11; Hebrews 5:1-14; Psalm 105:1-15 and Proverbs 26:28.

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