
Share Your Story

Share Your Story

When Jesus got back into the boat, the man who had been demon possessed begged to go, too. But Jesus said, “No, go home to your friends, and tell them what wonderful things the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.” Mark 5:18-19


The demon-possessed man roamed the land of the dead, living in a cemetery because the living feared him. Loose chains hung from his body where he had broken free from his shackles, but his spirit was still in captivity. Jesus commanded the demons to leave the man, and his tormentors fled in response. It is no wonder that the man begged to follow Jesus. His home held only painful reminders of the misery he had endured. Yet Jesus encouraged him to stay behind and to tell others what had happened. He knew that the testimony of this healed man would have a great impact on those who were once witnesses to his agony.

It isn’t easy to live in a place where painful memories abide, but those same memories are an opportunity to share what God has done for you. Your testimony may open the door for hope to flourish in another’s heart. The good moments that happen not only affect us but also have the power to rescue others from despair. Today, ask the Lord to give you the courage and power to share your story and proclaim the Good News to those you live and work with.

LORD, I have benchmarks in my life where I can see that you rescued me. Sometimes I avoid those places because they hold painful memories. Let me see my past hurts as opportunities to share how you have healed me so that my life’s story can give hope to someone else. Thank you that neither bad memories nor difficult circumstances can silence how you intervened in my life, showed me your mercy, and rescued me.

If you have become a part of the story of God, then you have a story to share with the people around you. They are eager to hear it. They are dying to hear it.
Leighton Ford

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Leviticus 9:7–10:20; Mark 4:26–5:20; Psalm 37:30-40 and Proverbs 10:6-7.

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