


Spread the Good News


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Spread the Good News

The woman left her water jar beside the well and went back to the village and told everyone, “Come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did! Can this be the Messiah?” So the people came streaming from the village to see him. John 4:28-30


The Samaritan woman was so amazed by Jesus and his revelations about who he was and about the secrets of her heart and life that she forgot her water jar—the very reason she’d come to the well—and rushed back to the village to tell others about the “man” she had met. Up and down the streets she shared the good news about Jesus, for she had seen the Lord, the Messiah! Having received the living water, a perpetual spring within her that gave her eternal life (v. 14), she wanted others to know him too. So the people began streaming from the village to see him, eager to meet this incredible man who can tell people the secrets of their hearts.

Sharing with others what Jesus has done in us and for us stirs up interest in those who don’t know him. His revelation in our lives draws to him people who desire to have him work in their lives as he does in ours. With whom could you share the Good News today? Ask the Lord to make you sensitive to his working in the lives of others, and be ready to share the hope that’s within you.

LORD, forgive me for times when my excitement over knowing you has waned. I want others to know you and experience your work in their lives. Use me to spread the Good News. I pray that I will be so amazed by what you reveal to me today that I won’t hesitate to share my hope with those who don’t yet know you.

How many people have you made homesick for God?
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Judges 21:1Ruth 1:22; John 4:4-42; Psalm 105:1-15 and Proverbs 14:25.

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