
Sweet-Smelling Incense

Sweet-Smelling Incense

Each evening when [the priest] tends to the lamps, he must again burn incense in the Lord’s presence. This must be done from generation to generation. Do not offer any unholy incense on this altar, or any burnt offerings, grain offerings, or drink offerings. Exodus 30:8-9


The priests in the Old Testament nurtured the tender flame—symbolic of the prayers of the children of Israel—to make sure the fire didn’t smolder and die. They burned only special incense on the altar so that the continual sweet fragrance wafted before God. Today we no longer have to burn candles or incense when we come into God’s presence because we can freely fellowship with him anywhere. Yet sometimes we place other things on the altar and allow the busyness of our days to cause our prayer life to smolder. We lose precious one-on-one time with God. When we pray, we connect with the Lord and climb into the shelter of his love. It is in our quiet time with God that we seek answers and find guidance. Is daily prayer a part of your life? When you make prayer a priority, you will walk in closeness with the Lord, and his peace will encompass your life. Prayer not only strengthens you, it is also a sweet fragrance before a God who longs to talk with his children.

FATHER, I love the fact that you want to spend time with me. Thank you for our sweet fellowship together. Help me to teach others by my example the importance of daily prayer and fellowship with you. Sometimes I let so many things get in the way of our time together. Today, Lord, I will reserve a portion of my day just for you and me!

Prayer is a kind of calling home every day. And there can come to you a serenity, a feeling of at-homeness in God’s universe, a peace that the world can neither give nor disturb, a fresh courage, a new insight, a holy boldness, through calling home that you’ll never, never get any other way.
Earl G. Hunt Jr.

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Exodus 29:1–30:10; Matthew 26:14-46; Psalm 31:19-24 and Proverbs 8:14-26.

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