
Thanks for God’s Provision

Thanks for God’s Provision

She did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her son continued to eat from her supply of flour and oil for many days. For no matter how much they used, there was always enough left in the containers, just as the Lord had promised through Elijah. 1 Kings 17:15-16


The adventures of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17 show us that God is a God who cares for our physical needs, who keeps his promises, and whose provision is always sufficient. God had sent ravens with bread and meat to Elijah to sustain him, but eventually Kerith Brook had dried up so there was no water, and severe famine had ravaged the land. The widow to whom God sent Elijah also faced desperate and uncertain times. She had no bread and was down to her last handful of flour and a bit of oil. But God wasn’t panicked. He had a plan and gave Elijah and the woman instructions that would lead not just to survival for a day but to miraculous provision day after day throughout the famine. As they followed his plan, there was always enough left—just as the Lord had promised. Are you willing to follow God’s leading even when circumstances seem overwhelming and his instructions go against your own instincts?

FATHER, thank you for your constant care and for your plan in uncertain times. It’s so easy to panic and do what seems most reasonable to me rather than to trust you and follow your leading in those times. Give me the assurance that your way is best, and remind me of your amazing provision for Elijah and the widow because they followed your way instead of their own.

There is never panic in heaven! You can only hold on to that reality through faith because it seemed then, and often seems now, as if the devil is the victor. But God is faithful, and His plans never fail! He knows the future. He knows the way.
Corrie ten Boom (1892–1983)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: 1 Kings 15:25–17:24; Acts 10:24-48; Psalm 134:1-3 and Proverbs 17:9-11.

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