
Basing Behavior On Your Belief

Basing Behavior On Your Belief

Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!”.
John 20:18

Heedless of his reminders that his death would not be permanent, the disciples mourned Jesus for three long days. When Sunday morning dawned, their attitude was no different, until …


Columba, an Irish missionary nearly 1,500 years ago, gives praise to God in this celebration of the first Easter.

Christ is the Great Redeemer,

The lover of the pure, The fount of heavenly wisdom,

Our trust and hope secure; The armor of His soldiers,

The Lord of earth and sky; Our health while we are living,

Our life when we shall die. Down in the realm of darkness

He lay a captive bound, But at the hour appointed

He rose, a victor crowned;

And now, to heaven ascended,

He sits upon the throne, In glorious dominion,

His Father’s and His own. All glory to the Father,

The unbegotten One; All honor be to Jesus,

His sole begotten Son; And to the Holy Spirit—

The perfect Trinity. Let all the world give answer,

“Amen, so let it be.”

The resurrection transformed the grief of the disciples into hope and joy. They had seen the Lord! He was alive! Even Thomas—the skeptic of the group—responded, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28).

Do these words express your belief—and explain your behavior?

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