
Believing Faith Makes The Difference

Believing Faith Makes The Difference

When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel”.
Luke 7:9

Faith is a concept more easily demonstrated than defined. You exercise faith when you fly in an airplane or visit a doctor. Chances are good that you couldn’t land the airplane or diagnose your illness. Yet you rely on the strength and skill of someone who can. And that’s faith!


In Luke 7 Jesus commended a Roman officer for his great faith—a commodity so scarce as to amaze even Jesus!

George Whitefield highlights the necessity of believing faith.

“I am not against going to church, nor against the creed, the Lord’s prayer, or the commandments. But believing is something more than those. It is coming to Jesus, receiving him, rolling ourselves on him, trusting in him.

“I do not know of any one single thing more often repeated in Scriptures than believing. It is described as a coming, trusting, receiving, and relying, under a felt conviction that we are lost, undone, and condemned without him.

“As a good old Puritan observed, we never come to Jesus Christ—the sinner’s only hope—until we feel we cannot do without him.”

Faith in Jesus Christ sets Christianity apart from religion.

Religion is based on what you do for God; Christianity is what God has done for you.

Religion is man’s attempt to work his way to heaven; Christianity is God’s good news that heaven is a free gift.

Religion involves trying; Christianity involves relying.

Have you come to the point of realizing you can no longer do without the Savior? He’s patiently waiting for you to come, receive and trust. He’s waiting for you to put your faith in him.

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