
Certain Beyond All Doubt

Certain Beyond All Doubt

And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
1 John 5:11

Saying “I know” can either be a sign of bored resistance or an enthusiastic affirmation. It all depends on your attitude.


The child who responds, “I know, I know,” to a parent’s commands, probably doesn’t. The believer who responds to his Lord’s promises with a confident, “I know, I know,” hopefully does.

A careful reading of 1 John will uncover many things God wants you to know (see 1 John 2:20-21,29; 3:2,5,14-15; 5:13,15,18-20).

Because of what God has done or said, you can know, without doubt, that you belong to him. When God makes a promise, you can stand upon it with confidence. Charles Spurgeon examines the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ.

“Let us regard the promise as a thing so sure and certain that we act upon it and make it a chief figure in all our calculations.

“The Lord promises eternal life to those who believe in Jesus; therefore, if we really believe in Jesus, let us conclude that we have eternal life, and rejoice in this great privilege. The promise of God is our best ground of assurance; it is far more sure than dreams or visions, and fancied revelations; and it is far more to be trusted than feelings, either joy or sorrow.

“Nothing can be more certain than that which is declared by God himself; nothing more sure to happen than that which he has guaranteed by his own hand and seal.”

John proclaims a powerful message: “God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son” (1 John 5:11). If you have the Son, you have life. And whether you need to invite him into your life for the first time, or you simply need to invite him into the complexities of your life today, you can act upon that verse right now.

Nothing can be more certain than what the Son himself declares.

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