


Choosing The Lamb’s Wrath Or The Lamb’s Love


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Choosing The Lamb’s Wrath Or The Lamb’s Love

Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?
Revelation 6:16-17

By nature lambs are among the gentlest of creatures. How then is it possible that men and women flee in terror from the wrath of the Lamb?


It’s not a pleasant picture. But as H. A. Ironside explains, the imagery is painfully appropriate.

“In that day there shall dawn upon multitudes the realization that the Lamb of God whom they had rejected and whose gentle rule they had spurned has visited their sins upon their own heads.

“Yet we read of no repentance, no true turning to God or trusting his Christ—just an awful realization that it is the rejected Lamb whom they must face, and whose wrath they cannot escape.

“Notice the solemnity of the expression ‘the wrath of the Lamb.’ We are not accustomed to linking the thought of wrath with the Lamb, which has always been the symbol of gentleness.

“But there is a terrible truth involved in this nevertheless. For if the grace of the Lamb of God is rejected, his indignation and wrath must be faced. It cannot be otherwise.

“But now grace is still reigning through righteousness, and a just God waits in lovingkindness to be the Justifier of everyone who believes in Jesus.”

When confronted with your own sinfulness, you can respond in one of two ways: (1) You can seek to remove the symptoms (even in such radical ways as asking mountains to fall on you). (2) You can appropriate God’s solution.

The blood of the Lamb will either be the covering or the condemnation for your sins.

Choose carefully your way of escape. And choose quickly. “Now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

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