
Christ: The Defender Of Your Liberty

Christ: The Defender Of Your Liberty

You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.
Romans 6:18

The battle for your soul may be over, but the battle for your allegiance still rages. But Jesus Christ has conquered the power of sin, and you are free! Free to say no to sin and yes to God.

As John Calvin affirms, that can be very comforting for anyone tired of struggling against sin.

“The apostle is comforting and strengthening believers, lest they should falter in their zeal and desire for holiness, because they feel their own weakness.

“To prevent discouragement arising from a consciousness of this weakness, he reminds believers that their works are not judged according to the rigid demands of the law.

“The stings of sin continue to harass us, yet they cannot bring us under their power, because we are rendered superior to them by the work of Christ. We are also freed from the rigid demand of the law, because we are in his grace. On this account, believers must fly to Christ and implore his assistance as a defender of their liberty, which he is always ready to do.”

By his death, Christ broke the power of sin and death. Captives have been liberated. Slaves to sin have been set free to serve a new Master.

Hebrews describes it this way: Christ “shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death” (Hebrews 2:14-15).

No longer afraid of death. No longer bound to sin. No longer giving in to uncleanness. But instead, giving in to God.

Never have you enjoyed anything as free—or as costly.


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