
Doxology For The Revealed Mystery

Doxology For The Revealed Mystery

Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery
Romans 16:25

According to Paul, the Good News was a mystery for many years. But the final page fell open with the coming of Jesus Christ. And Paul’s response in Romans 16—after explaining the mystery of Christ and the gospel—is praise.


Columba, one the earliest missionaries to Scotland, provides this fitting doxology of praise.

God, Thou art the Father

Of all that have believed:

From whom all hosts of angels

Have life and power received.

O God, Thou art the Maker

Of all created things,

The righteous Judge of judges,

The almighty King of Kings.

High in the heavenly Zion

Thou reignest God adored;

And in the coming glory

Thou shalt be Sovereign Lord.

Beyond our view Thou shinest,

The everlasting Light;

Ineffable in loving,

Unthinkable in might.

Thou to the meek and lowly

Thy secrets dost unfold;

O God, Thou doest all things,

All things both new and old.

I walk secure and blessed

In every clime or coast,

In name of God the Father,

And Son, and Holy Ghost.

Remember, what is the Good News to you may still be a mystery to others around you—others who will gladly join in your chorus of praise once they have heard and responded.

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