
Earthly Service In Heavenly Perspective

Earthly Service In Heavenly Perspective

Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”.
Mark 11:9

The last week of Christ’s life began with a hero’s welcome … palm branches … hosannas.


Yet by the end of the week, the “key to the city” had become a cross on a hill and the cheering crowds gave way to the jeering mobs. Why?

Because they forgot Christ’s words: “The Son of Man [came] … to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

Martin Luther, who clearly knew the necessity of Christ’s death, sets Jesus’ coming to Jerusalem in perspective.

“The riding of our blessed Savior into Jerusalem was a poor, humble kind of procession. Christ, king of heaven and earth, was seen sitting upon a lowly donkey.

“This humble transport for so powerful a potentate was a fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy. Christ had neither money, nor riches, nor earthly kingdom, for he gave those to kings and princes.

“But he reserved one thing for himself, which no human creature or angel could do. Namely, to conquer death and sin, the devil and hell. And in the midst of death to deliver and save those that through his Word believed in him.”

No one understood Christ’s triumph. The celebration was premature, and the empty tomb, not the kingly scepter, would signify his victory.

Now you are sent forth as his servant. Like him, you may be misunderstood and unappreciated. And like the Savior, your reward may not be of this world.

There may be no ticker tape in your future, no cries of “Hurrah!”

But the words “Well done!” falling from the lips of the Savior will make all earthly rewards pale by comparison.

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