
Engaging The Mind Before Starting The Tongue

Engaging The Mind Before Starting The Tongue

Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.
James 3:2

Be careful when you open your mouth. According to James, the unleashed tongue is an untamable beast. But don’t give up, for with God’s help you can “be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19). Those are wise words for people who are convinced it is impossible to speak and not sin.


As F. B. Meyer points out, James’s words provide insight by which you can examine your own speech patterns and the various ways the tongue can trip you up.

“The tongue boasts great things. We are all apt to be vain, boastful, exaggerated. We contrive to focus attention on our own words and deeds; even in delivering God’s message we manage to let it be seen that we have a clearer insight into truth or a closer familiarity with God than our fellows.

“We break the law of courtesy, and become harsh, insolent, and uncivil; or the law of purity, and repeat stories that leave a stain; or the law of truth, and practice insincerity; or the law of kindness, and are harsh toward those who are beneath us in station. Or in our desire to stand well with others we are guilty of flattery or servility.

“We disparage other workers; compliment them to their faces and disparage them behind their backs. Alas for us! How greatly we need to offer the prayer of the psalmist: ‘Set a guard over my mouth, lord’ (Psalm 141:3).”

The antidote for misguided speech is carefully guarded silence. The Scriptures are filled with examples of periods of silence that refreshed God’s people. Silence for worship, silence for thought, silence for prayer. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

“Silence,” one teacher has observed, “first makes us pilgrims. Secondly, silence guards the fire within. Thirdly, silence teaches us how to speak.”

Do you want to speak well? Learn first to speak not at all as you listen to the voice of your Lord.

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