
Freely Giving What You Can Supply

Freely Giving What You Can Supply

Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Luke 6:31

Today’s popular version of the Golden Rule might go something like this: “Do unto others before they undo you!”—a sure sign of a society preoccupied with itself.


Focusing on the needs of others. That’s fairly difficult when you’re wrapped up in yourself. But for the Christian, the Golden Rule provides a ready remedy, as Matthew Henry explains.

“What would we want others to do to us, either in justice or love, if they were in our condition and we in theirs—that is what we must do to them. We must treat them as we should desire and justly expect to be treated ourselves.

“We must give to those in need, to everyone who is a proper object of charity, who lacks necessities which we have the means to supply.

“Give to those who are not able to help themselves. Christ would have his disciples always ready to distribute what is within their power in ordinary cases, and beyond their power in extraordinary ones.”

Living by the Golden Rule means your treatment of others is based on how you want to be treated in return.

Do you desire good? Of course! Then give good. Do you want others to forgive? Absolutely! Then be quick to forgive.

But here’s the hard part: It is immaterial whether others actually treat you well or forgive you promptly. The point of the rule is: How would you want to be treated?

The Golden Rule was not given to society in general, which explains its rather tarnished image. Rather, it was issued to the only group of people empowered to keep it: the people of God!

Do you know someone who needs a golden touch today? He or she may be surprised to learn that someone remembers the original rule, which is untarnished and still shines.

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