
Giving All, Gaining All

Giving All, Gaining All

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.
1 Corinthians 6:19

“Haven’t you heard?”


It’s a question often asked when a piece of news—good or bad—is assumed to be common knowledge.

In chapters five and six, Paul used a similar question to jog the memories of the church members at Corinth. Seven times he challenged them by asking, “Do you not know?” (1 Corinthians 5:6; 6:2,3,9,15,16,19).

Listen as A. B. Simpson expounds on how you belong to God.

“What a privilege that we may consecrate ourselves! What rest and comfort lie hidden in those words, ‘not your own.’

“I am not responsible for my salvation, not burdened by my cares, not obliged to live for my interest, but I am altogether his. I am redeemed, owned, saved, loved, and kept in his strong, unchanging arms.

“Oh, the rest from sin and self and anxiety-producing care which true consecration brings. To be able to give him our poor weak life, with its awful possibilities and its utter helplessness. To know he will accept it, and take a joy and pride in making out of it the utmost possibilities of blessing, power, and usefulness. To give all, and find in so doing that we have gained all. To be so yielded to him in entire self-surrender that he is bound to care for us as for himself.

“We are putting ourselves in the hands of a loving Father, more solicitous for our good than we can be, and only wanting us to be fully submitted to him that he may be more free to bless us.”

God owns you because he bought you at a staggering price. Your salvation—though a free gift to you—was no “cheap grace” from God. Rather, it cost him “the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish” (1 Peter 1:19).

What—haven’t you heard?

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