
Giving That Shows Gratitude

Giving That Shows Gratitude

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8

The truth of Paul’s message is clear: God gives, so that you in turn might give. God causes your life to overflow, so that other lives might be touched by his love as well.


We love … because he first loved us. We give … because God first gave the gift of his Son.

Albert Barnes explains that such a response is as appropriate—and desperately needed—as ever.

“There is no less occasion for Christian liberality now than there was in the time of Paul. There are still multitudes of poor who need the kind and efficient aid of Christians.

“Happy are they who are influenced by the gospel to do good to all people!

“Let us remember that it was because Jesus Christ came that there is any possibility of benefiting a dying world; and that all who profess to love him are bound to imitate his example and show their sense of obligation to God for giving a Savior.

“How poor and worthless are all our gifts compared with the great gift of God; how slight our expressions of compassion for others, compared with the compassion which he has shown for us!

“When God has given his Son to die for us, what should we not be willing to give that we may show our gratitude!”

The gift of Christ is “the gift that keeps on giving”—through you!

It can happen each day as you share the gospel, share your possessions, share your life.

No doubt you thank God often for what you receive. But when was the last time you thanked him for what he has privileged you to give?

After all, when a world is dying around you, that’s not the time to hoard the gift of eternal life.

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