
God’s Ways With The Proud And The Lowly

God’s Ways With The Proud And The Lowly

[God] has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.
Luke 1:52

Mary learned firsthand the unpredictable character of God’s gracious dealings. A young girl of humble means, she seemed an unlikely choice for the momentous role she would soon play in giving birth to the Son of God.


In her song of praise, Mary acknowledged the greatness of her God and the marvelous—yet mysterious—ways of his goodness. As Matthew Henry notes, he is the God of life-changing, world-shaking surprises.

“Proud people expect to carry all before them, to have their way and their will. But God scatters them in the imagination of their hearts, breaks their measures, blasts their projects, and brings them low, by those very counsels with which they thought to advance and establish themselves.

“The mighty think to secure themselves by might, but he puts them down. On the other hand, those of low degree, who despaired of ever advancing themselves, and thought no other than of being ever low, are wonderfully exalted.

“God takes pleasure in disappointing the expectations of those who promise themselves great things in the world, and in outdoing the expectations of those who promise themselves but a little.

“As a righteous God, it is his glory to abase those who exalt themselves, and strike terror on the secure. And as a good God, it is his glory to exalt those who fear him.”

Reread Matthew Henry’s last two paragraphs carefully. Which kind of expectations do you hold?

Promise yourself success as a result of your own efforts, and you are sure to be disappointed. Humbly entrust your way to God, and he may surprise you today in a way you least expect.

Great expectations in God—that’s one good way to ensure the surprises coming your way are the kind you’ll welcome with open arms!

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