
Good News About The Law

Good News About The Law

For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.
Romans 2:13

High above the gorge, a tightrope walker balances precariously. Every muscle and nerve and thought is trained on just one objective: to stay on the thin strand of wire!

Few would volunteer for such a hazardous high-wire act. Yet many attempt something infinitely more dangerous. They try to find acceptance with God by keeping the law.

And as John Wesley suggests, that’s an exercise as unforgiving as a tightrope, for one mistake and the whole effort is futile.

“When people seek to establish their own righteousness, they do not consider what kind of obedience the law indispensably requires. It must be perfect and complete in every point or it does not answer the demands of the law.

“But which of you is able to perform such obedience? Who can fulfill every jot and tittle of the outward commandments of God, doing nothing which he forbids? Leaving nothing undone which he demands? Speaking no idle word?

“And how much less are you able to fulfill all the inward commandments of God—those which require that every mood and motion should be holiness unto the Lord!

“Are you able to love God with all your heart? To love all mankind as your own soul? To keep every affection, desire, and thought in obedience to his law?”

Just as one crack in a mirror makes it a broken mirror, so one violation of God’s law makes you a lawbreaker. But there is good news.

Though you cannot keep the law, the law can lead you to someone who can, and did, keep the law on your behalf. And he paid the penalty for the law you break.

That someone is the Savior—Christ the Lord. Is he your Savior?


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