
His Power, His Presence, His People

His Power, His Presence, His People

Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them.
Mark 16:20

When an experienced orator delivers a moving address, no one is surprised. But when fishermen begin to make stirring speeches, that’s news.


The resurrection of Christ transformed the disciples from timid men into bold witnesses.

John Calvin examines the transformation of these fugitives-turned-preachers.

“Every person would have thought that, by his death on the cross, Christ would either be altogether annihilated or so completely overwhelmed that he would never again be mentioned except with shame and loathing.

“The apostles, whom he had chosen to be his witnesses, had deserted him. And such was the contempt in which they were held that they hardly ventured to utter a word in public.

“There is great emphasis therefore in the words, ‘The disciples went out and preached everywhere.’

“For it was impossible that so sudden a change should be accomplished in a moment by human power.

“Therefore Mark adds, ‘The Lord worked with them,’ by which he means that this was truly a divine work.”

A servant’s life isn’t difficult. Without the right motivation, it’s impossible!

Eleven men were entrusted with the good news of a risen Christ—a worldwide assignment that was humanly impossible.

That was by design.

For without the power and presence of Christ, their efforts were doomed from the start.

Even today, God is looking for servants through whom he can do a divine work, people willing to exchange their weakness and timidity for his strength and boldness.

Someone like you.

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