
Hoarding, Holding And Letting Go

Hoarding, Holding And Letting Go

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
1 Timothy 6:10

First Timothy 6:10 certainly would sound more appealing if it read, “The lack of money is the root of all evil.” Or “Money is the root of all evil.”


But notice the correct rendering of the verse. The problem does not rest in having money but in the attitude you have toward money.

The proper use of your assets begins with the proper attitude, as G. Campbell Morgan explains.

“Love of money. Perhaps the word which best conveys the thought is the word avarice.

“‘Love of money’ hoards and holds.

“It is indeed a root of all evil. It dries up the springs of compassion in the soul. It lowers the whole standard of morality. It is the inspiration of all the basest things, even covetousness; for if there may be covetousness without love of money, there is never love of money without covetousness.

“Avarice is often created by prosperity and the consequent possession of money. It is often powerfully present in the lives of those who are devoid of wealth.

“It is wholly material, the result of a wrong conception of life, due to forgetfulness of the fact that ‘life does not consist in an abundance of possessions’ (Luke 12:15).”

There is good news for those with humble means. Regardless of your net worth, God wants you to be rich.

Ah, but rich in assets that time cannot tarnish and inflation cannot destroy. Rich in the assets of “righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness” (1 Timothy 6:11).

You may possess vast earthly treasures, yet live like a pauper by the one standard that counts for eternity—God’s standard.

Loving God versus loving gold. There’s a wealth of difference between the two. And you can’t afford to make the wrong choice.

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