
Inquiring Minds And Searching Hearts

Inquiring Minds And Searching Hearts

The Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
Acts 17:11

Envy in Thessalonica. Mocking in Athens. Intimidation in Corinth.

But in Berea? A breath of fresh air. The Berean Jews were “of more noble character” than the other Jews Paul encountered.

They were more responsive. More serious about the claims of Christ on their lives. More inquisitive about the implications of what they were hearing.

Johann Peter Lange expands on the attitude that set the Berean Jews apart.

“Christian nobility of soul exhibits two features: readiness to receive truth and eagerness to examine the evidence.

“True faith is not blind acceptance. It does not dispense with reason, evidence, and argument.

“It is, on the contrary, ready to prove all things with sincerity, to investigate earnestly, to institute a thorough search.

“The people of Berea did not blindly accept Paul’s words, but first searched whether he taught the truth.

“They are not criticized for this, but instead are commended for the noble spirit which motivated them.”

Apart from one verse in Acts 20, the Bereans are not mentioned again in the Bible. But their testimony lives on in the noble character they displayed.

The same character you can demonstrate today in your attitude toward God’s Word.

The character you can pray for in the lives of those who hear your witness. The character you can develop, involving a ready mind and a searching heart. Does God’s truth deserve anything less?


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