
Keeping The Simple Truth Simple

Keeping The Simple Truth Simple

“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved”.
Acts 16:30-31

Two notorious “outlaws” in the prison at Philippi were locked in solitary confinement, singing hymns at midnight. Suddenly, without warning, there was a violent earthquake; every prisoner’s chains were loosened and every door was opened.

Imagine the dismay of the Philippian jailer. For a man in his position the escape of even one prisoner meant certain death. Yet in his midnight moment of crisis, the jailer discovered someone who specializes in giving life. J. Wilbur Chapman provides this timely comment on the jailer’s newfound life.

“God makes it clear that there can be no real life until there is a step taken first of all by faith.

“To make it very clear, the best answer is the one given to the Philippian jailer: ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.’

“There is something very significant in the way the names of Jesus Christ are used. When he is called Lord, it is to emphasize his kingly office, his reigning power; and what can the meaning be but this, when we are told to believe on him as Lord?

“We must reach the place where we are willing to let him rule and reign in our lives.

“Can you submit to this? He will never make a failure of it. “Give him absolute control; never take a step without his guidance—this is the secret of grace and joy.”

The Philippian jailer didn’t need a lecture on theology. He just needed a simple, one-sentence sermon: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”

When the heart is prepared, the odds are good you won’t need oratory or arguments to lead another to the Savior.

So keep it short. Clear. Sincere. And when the door swings ajar, be ready to enter!


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