
Lavish Rivers Of Irrepressible Life

Lavish Rivers Of Irrepressible Life

The water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
John 4:14

“Give me a drink.” Was that just a casual request of a thirsty traveler—or something more?


The Samaritan woman in John 4 came to satisfy her physical thirst, but Jesus saw in her life a more dangerous condition: spiritual drought that only he could relieve.

The well of spiritual life is Jesus himself. Oswald Chambers examines the source of water that eternally satisfies.

“The picture our Lord gives is not that of a channel, but a fountain.

“Be filled, and the sweetness of a vital relationship to Jesus will flow out of the saint as lavishly as it is imparted to him.

“Keep right at the Source, and out of you will flow rivers of living life—irrepressible life.

“We are to be centers through which Jesus can flow as rivers of living water blessing everyone.

“As surely as we receive from him, he will pour out through us.

“Keep at the Source, guard well your belief in Jesus Christ and your relationship to him, and there will be a steady flow for other lives—no dryness and no deadness.”

It is a simple matter to satisfy physical thirst—for a time. Drink deeply and your thirst will be quenched—temporarily. But again and again the yearning for water will return.

But in the spiritual realm, Jesus offers a fountain that never stops flowing, a river of life that never runs dry, a drink to quench the most desperate longing.

The woman at the well took Jesus at his word and found eternal satisfaction, as he promised. And the overflow of that fountain within her life reached many of those around her.

“Keep at the Source,” and through you the fountain of life will satisfy those around you.

Drink deeply. See for yourself.

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