
Lessons Learned In The Gale Of Affliction

Lessons Learned In The Gale Of Affliction

They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”.
Mark 4:41

Some things are certain. Like death and taxes—and taxing situations!


Count on it: There will be storms and difficulties in every person’s life.

You—like the disciples in Mark 4—may sometimes wonder, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

Yes, he does care. Infinitely. Christ is faithful to see you through difficulties. J. C. Ryle offers some reassuring words for stormy times.

“Here were the twelve disciples in the path of duty. They were obediently following Jesus wherever he went.

“Yet here we see these men in trouble, tossed by a tempest and in danger of being drowned.

“Mark well this lesson. Being in Christ’s service does not exempt his servants from storms.

“It will not be strange if we have to endure sickness, losses, and disappointments just like other people. Our Savior has never promised that we shall have no afflictions. He loves us too well to promise that.

“By affliction he teaches us many precious lessons, which otherwise we would never learn. By affliction he shows us our emptiness and weakness, draws us to the throne of grace, purifies our affections, weans us from the world, and makes us long for heaven.”

It’s easy to breathe a prayer of thanks when a storm is over.

But what about when the waves are breaking? When there’s water in the boat? When the noise of your circumstance threatens to drown out the prayer on your lips?

If faith in God works, it had better work then! Be assured, it works.

But, as the disciples learned, there’s nothing like a good gale to add zest to your prayers!

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