
Little Is Much When God Is In It!

Little Is Much When God Is In It!

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.
2 Corinthians 8:9

Have you ever wondered what you would do with a million dollars? Here is one way to know: Look at what you’re doing with the money you have already.


The Macedonian believers could scarcely be called rich. And yet they gave generously to their sister churches that were suffering from famine.

George Müller, a model for selfless giving, draws this insight from their godly example.

“Believers should seek more and more to enter into the grace and love of God in giving his only begotten Son, and into the grace and love of the Lord Jesus Christ in giving himself in our place.

“This is so that, constrained by love and gratitude, they may increasingly surrender their bodily and mental strength, their time, gifts, talents, property, position in life, rank, and all they have and are to the Lord.

“By this I do not mean that they should give up their profession and become preachers. Nor do I mean that they should take all their money and give it to the first beggar who asks for it.

“But they should hold all that they have and are for the Lord, not as owners but as stewards, and be willing to use for him part or all that they have.”

God doesn’t expect you to carry the needs of the world on your shoulders. That’s his job.

But he has given you treasure to share with others—at his bidding.

As Mr. Müller suggests, that treasure includes your “bodily and mental strength, [your] time, gifts, talents … and all [you] have and are.”

You may not think that’s much. But don’t forget what God did with a little boy’s lunch (see John 6) and a widow’s two small copper coins (see Luke 21).

Little is much when God is in it!

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