
Making Secure Investments In An Uncerta

Making Secure Investments In An Uncerta

But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
Luke 12:31

Would you be willing to invest in a venture if you knew part of the dividends would be paid not to you but to your brother or sister?


Of course you would—if you’re a member of God’s family!

God has promised to meet the needs of his children. And frequently the way he does it is by blessing one in order to benefit another.

The twelfth-century saint Bernard of Clairvaux clarifies the way in which God helps those who help their neighbors.

“What if, by giving to our neighbor, we find ourselves in want?

“What should we do except go confidently to God, ‘who gives generously to all’ (James 1:5), and opening his hand fills all things living.

“Without a doubt he who gives most men more than they need will not deny us bare necessities.

“Has he not told us, ‘Seek first his kingdom … and all these things will be given to you as well’ (Matthew 6:33)?

“He has bound himself to give all things needful to those people who discipline themselves and love their neighbors.

“Moreover, it is but justice that we should share the blessings of this life with others.”

Earthly investments are often uncertain at best. There are just too many factors that you cannot control.

That’s why God’s heavenly investment portfolio looks better than ever. Consider this prospectus:

Your investment is secure, untouchable by thief, worm or rust (see Matthew 6:20).

Interest is compounded eternally. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (see Matthew 6:21).

Best of all, you have the joy of seeing God meet the needs of others out of the overflow of your own life (see 1 Thessalonians 3:12).

Seeking the kingdom of God. When you add it up, there’s no better way to invest your life!

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