
Minutes In The Mind Of God

Minutes In The Mind Of God

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
2 Peter 3:8

For God, it is never too early or too late. He controls time. When the need arises, he can even stop a day in its tracks (see Joshua 10:12-14)!


God’s timing is always perfect, a lesson his children need to learn repeatedly. When circumstances appear overwhelming and time seems to have run out, God is right on schedule, as F. B. Meyer explains.

“There is no succession of time with God; no past, no future. He dwells in the eternal present, as I am. One day is as a thousand years. He could do in a single day, if he chose, what he has at other times taken a thousand years to accomplish.

“Do not say that he must have as long to make the second heaven and earth as the first.

“All this could be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye; and between sunrise and sunset God could accomplish the work of a thousand ordinary years. Periods that seem so long to our finite minds are not so to God. A thousand years in our reckoning is but a day in his.

“You say it is nearly two thousand years ago since Jesus died, or at least that we are in the evening of the second thousand. But in God’s reckoning, the cross, the grave, the resurrection, took place in the morning of yesterday.

“Take wider views of God’s horizon; believe in his mighty march throughout the centuries. And the centuries are the beats of the minutehand to God.”

Time is too important to squander. Take a look at your daily schedule. How do you spend your time? How do you waste time? How can you better use the time given you?

You cannot learn too early who is best able to manage your schedule. Following him a day … an hour … a minute at a time is one sure way of redeeming the time.

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