
Spirit Of Worship, Spirit Of God

Spirit Of Worship, Spirit Of God

I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding.
1 Corinthians 14:15

In one church, the piano is out of tune, the sound system buzzes, the hymnals are dog-eared, and few in the congregation can sing on key. In another church, the building is a historic treasure, the choir is resplendently robed, singing is accompanied by organ and orchestra, and the service moves with flawless precision.


Question: In which church is worship taking place?

Answer: Either or neither or both. It all depends on who is leading the service. Confused?

Listen as Johann Peter Lange helps to unravel the mystery.

“In all true worship that is honorable to God and beneficial to his children, the Holy Spirit is the reason that it is so.

“It is only so far as he helps our infirmities and teaches us how to pray, only so far as he gives us an insight and understanding into divine truth, only so far as he inspires our songs and praises, that our worship is truly spiritual and edifying.

“So what is most needed in preparation for worship is to seek his presence and aid.

“No amount of learning, natural gifts, acquired skills, or refinements of art can compensate for that anointing of the Holy One which is promised to the believer to teach him all things.”

With the Holy Spirit, you can worship in spirit and truth, regardless of any “technical problems.”

Without the Holy Spirit, you can create an elaborate production that pleases people—without worshiping God.

You needn’t wait till Sunday to worship the Lord. Even now, the Spirit can lead you to declare his greatness and goodness in adoring praise.

Whether you’re on key or off, the Spirit can tune your worship to please God.

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