
Sticking To The Straight and Narrow Door

Sticking To The Straight and Narrow Door

Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.
Luke 13:24

Narrow-mindedness is seldom considered a virtue. Yet it’s dangerous to be tolerant when the issues are life and death.


Take salvation, for instance. Jesus was narrow-minded about it: “I am the way” (John 14:6).

Peter was equally narrow: “Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12).

And Paul made it clear that “the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

John Calvin offers these words of warning about broad paths and those who would seek to travel on them.

“Christ urges his men to enter in by the narrow door. By these words he intended to move his folk away from that foolish curiosity which hinders and complicates.

“Many look around to see whether others are joining them, as if they could only gain salvation in a crowd. But the faithful will not be curious about the crowd of stragglers.

“In this way we avoid our empty hopes letting us down, as if we had imagined that a crowd of companions would help us enter in.

“Many seek for an easy access to life, and constantly indulge themselves. Christ would have his people shake off such soft behavior, for he warns that those will be shut out who devote themselves to any other supposed entrance to life.”

Jesus took no public opinion poll to determine the crowd’s preference in the matter of salvation.

Rather, he proclaimed the way to God. A narrow way. A way few are finding. A way that allows no alternate routes.

Salvation through Jesus Christ. It may sound like a narrow path. And it is. But when a life is at stake, who could deny that it’s better to stick to the straight and narrow path?

So who can you lead to that path today?

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