
The Believer’s Sure Victory—in Jesus

The Believer’s Sure Victory—in Jesus

“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”… But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:55,57

An eternity with God and away from the presence of corruption and sin—for the Christian, that’s the glory that lies beyond the doorway of death.


That’s a thought that prompts Paul to break forth in thanks and praise.

Matthew Henry adds his own postscript of praise—a word written not long before his death.

“What can be more joyous in itself than the saints’ triumph over death, when they shall rise again?

“Those who remain under the power of death can have no heart to praise. But such triumphs tune the tongues of the saints to thankfulness and praise for the victory and for the means by which it is obtained.

“That victory is not obtained by our power, but by God’s power; not given because we are worthy, but because Christ is worthy.

“How many springs of joy to the saints and thanksgiving to God are opened by the death and resurrection, the suffering and conquest, of our Redeemer! With what acclamations will saints rising from the dead applaud him! How the heavens will resound with his praises forever!

“ ‘Thanks be to God’ will be the theme of their song, and angels will join the chorus and declare their consent with a loud ‘Amen. Hallelujah!’ “

Those without Christ face a hopeless end; those with Christ look forward to an endless hope.

Those under the power of death can have no heart to praise. But you have a message of life to share with those living in the fear of death.

What grander chorus of praise could you sing to God—or share with others—than that of victory in Jesus! You’ll never tire of singing it eternally.

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