
The Best Place To Be Is The Place God Chooses

The Best Place To Be Is The Place God Chooses

Jesus … said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you”.
Mark 5:19

Children and busy roads don’t mix. Why? Because children, if unattended, often play in the road, heedless of danger. So until a child reaches maturity, the parent takes responsibility for the child’s protection, guidance and nurture.


Do you sometimes think you know better than your heavenly Father which road is best for you? Listen as J. C. Ryle explains that your Father knows best.

“The place where Christians wish to be is not always the best place for their souls. There are none who need this lesson so much as believers newly converted to God.

“Seeing everything in a new light, yet knowing little of the depths of Satan and the weakness of their own hearts, they are in the greatest danger of making mistakes. With the best intentions they may fall into mistakes about their plans, their choices, or their professions. They forget that what we like best is not always best for our souls.

“Let us pray that God would guide us in all our ways after conversion, and not allow us to err. It may not be quite what we like. But if Christ by his providence has placed us in it, let us not be in a hurry to leave it.”

Elijah supposed he was the only man left in Israel who worshiped God.

Moses was an obscure shepherd for 40 years before he led God’s people out of


John lived out his life in exile on a desolate island while he wrote the book of Revelation.

That’s because God’s best sometimes comes wrapped in unpleasant circumstances and unexpected changes of plan.

Like the man from the region of the Gerasenes in Mark 5, don’t hesitate to submit your plans to God’s providence. Great things can happen when God’s best becomes yours.

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