
The Change That Comes Through Contact With Jesus

The Change That Comes Through Contact With Jesus

The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah. “… And he brought him to Jesus.
John 1:41-42

You can’t force other people to read a book you enjoyed or try a tasty new recipe you discovered. Once you’ve shared the good news, they must respond for themselves.


In John 1 Andrew encountered the Messiah … and immediately thought of his brother Simon.

But bringing Simon to the Savior and having Simon trust him for salvation were two different things—as Andrew discovered, and as B. H. Carroll explains.

“We cannot convert a person. That is not a part of our duty. We have reached our limit of responsibility when we have brought another to Jesus. He will attend to his part of it.

“Yet how many believers have tried to do God’s work—attempting to make Christians out of other people, and giving formulas for it.

“Our limit is reached when we have brought that person to Jesus; and the sooner we find that out, the better.

“God alone can forgive sins. It is blasphemy for any man to claim that power.

“Andrew brought Simon to Jesus and stopped. That is the limit of our work.”

It will take more than your own persuasive powers to convince others that Jesus is the Savior.

And that’s where Jesus comes in.

His life, his words, his death and resurrection are far more convincing than any human argument.

In order for others to be changed by Christ, they must first come in contact with him. And that’s where you come in!

Get excited enough about something—or someone—and others will show an interest.

Have you accepted your responsibility to bring your neighbor, coworker or relative to Jesus?

Be an Andrew to some Simon today, and see what happens in that person’s life—and your own.

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