
The Ever-relevant Word Of God

The Ever-relevant Word Of God

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.
Romans 15:4

Thousands of years separate you from the events of Scripture. But even though life today seems very different, those inspired words remain your instruction manual from the Creator of the world.


No matter what your age—or distance from the Scripture’s writing—God’s truth is never out of date.

John Calvin, lifelong student of the Scriptures, has this to say about God’s eternally relevant Word.

“There is no part of the Scriptures which cannot contribute to our instruction and to the forming of our life and manners.

“The Word of God contains nothing vain or unprofitable. Diligent study and reading of these records of unchanging wisdom cannot help but contribute to our holiness of life.

“Let us, therefore, labor diligently to learn the contents of the Book of God, and never forget it is the only writing in which the Creator of heaven and earth condescends to converse with mankind.

“The Scriptures are chiefly devoted to the object of forming in us patience—of strengthening and confirming our faith—of raising us to the hope of eternal life—and of keeping our meditation and contemplation fixed on that glorious kingdom of God.”

Patience, comfort, strength—just a few of the dividends you’ll receive from mastering God’s Word and allowing it to master you.

Study, diligence, meditation—the investment you must make to achieve that end.

God has placed all that you need to know about him between the covers of the Bible. But only you can open its pages to discover what he is saying to you.

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