


The Glory That Makes Burdens Bearable


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The Glory That Makes Burdens Bearable

They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Revelation 20:4

Although some passages of the book of Revelation are difficult to understand, many verses—like small diamonds of encouragement—shine brightly with comfort.


As John’s focus switched from the present to the future, from this world to the next, he discovered encouragement to face each fresh challenge to his faith. Martin Luther has these encouraging observations for those facing unjust suffering.

“If we consider the great glory of the future life, it would not be at all difficult for us to bear the vexations of this world. But when Christ comes to judge the living and the dead and we experience these blessings, everyone will have to say for himself: ‘Shame on me!’

“If I believe the Word, I shall on the last day not only gladly have suffered ordinary temptations, insults, imprisonment, but I shall also say: ‘Oh, if I had only thrown myself under the feet of all the godless for the sake of the great glory which I now see revealed and which has come to me through the merit of Christ.’

“Paul well says, ‘I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us’ (Romans 8:18).”

Remember Stephen, perhaps the first martyr of the New Testament church. Even as the rocks were hurtling toward him, Stephen looked up to heaven and saw Jesus at God’s right hand. Then, like his Lord, Stephen died praying for those who were taking his life.

Chances are you won’t be stoned for your faith, but don’t be surprised if you feel the heat as you live out your faith.

One message permeates nearly every chapter of Revelation: victory is certain. So take heart, look up, wait patiently. The glory to be revealed in us makes any burden bearable.

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