
The Guarantee Of The Believer’s Resurrection

The Guarantee Of The Believer’s Resurrection

Instead, they had some points of dispute with him about their own religion and about a dead man named Jesus who Paul claimed was alive.
Acts 25:19

Believing in Christ’s resurrection cost Paul a lot. He was imprisoned, flogged, exposed to death, stoned and shipwrecked. He was in danger from rivers, bandits, Jews, Gentiles and false Christians. He went without sleep, food, drink, warmth and clothing. Besides all that, he, like any good pastor, was “stressed-out” with concern for his flock. Now he was in chains, defending himself before King Agrippa.

R. L. Dabney explains the importance of and evidence for this cardinal doctrine of Christianity.

“Christ’s resurrection is everywhere spoken of in Scripture as a hinge point of the believer’s salvation and hope. The apostles everywhere put it forth as the main point of their testimony. It may be proved by the following:

“First, from Old Testament predictions such as Psalm 16:10. This event is one of the criteria predicted for the Messiah. Once you have proved that Jesus is the expected Messiah, you may claim that a resurrection is to be expected for him.

“Second, Christ expressly predicted his own resurrection (see Matthew 20:19; 27:63; and John 10:18). If he is not a monstrous imposter, which his lovely character disproves, we must expect to find it true.

“Third, we have the testimony of many witnesses who saw him after his rising—the eleven, the five-hundred, and last of all Paul. These were competent, honest and credible witnesses. They had everything to lose, and nothing to gain by bearing false testimony on this.

“Fourth, miracles were wrought in its confirmation. The outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost and all the following outpourings are proofs of it, for they are fruits of his ascension.

“The resurrection of Christ is the guarantee and proof of ours.”

Yes, believing in Christ’s resurrection cost Paul a lot. But not believing in Christ’s resurrection will cost so many so much more.

Be like Paul today—talk to someone about that momentous event.


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