
The Message Of A Monumental Mistake

The Message Of A Monumental Mistake

Remember Lot’s wife! Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.
Luke 17:32-33

Nostalgia. It’s usually a harmless pastime of fond reflection on the good old days.


But for Lot’s wife, the old way of life cost her more than she bargained for and turned out to be dearer than life itself.

In Luke 17 Jesus strongly rebuked those who, after coming to him, looked back fondly on their former way of life.

Jonathan Edwards probes Mrs. Lot’s attraction to Sodom’s lifestyle … and its tragic consequences.

“All the enjoyments of Sodom will soon be burned. As it is with all the enjoyments of sin, they are all appointed to the fire. And surely it is not worthwhile to look back upon the things that are perishing.

“Lot’s wife looked back because she remembered the pleasant things she left in Sodom.

“So it is very often with some Christians. But when they look back, they put themselves under vast disadvantages. They dreadfully harden their own hearts and stupefy their souls by quenching the Spirit of God.

“They make way for discouragements. They give Satan great advantage to ruin them. Their souls presently become hard like the body of Lot’s wife.

“And though they live long after, they never get much further.”

The call to discipleship is a call to new life. Looking back means something in your old life is of greater value to you than your new life in Jesus Christ. Looking back allows momentary pleasures to compete with the eternal Savior.

God desires your undivided attention and devotion—a truth Lot’s wife learned the hard way, and too late.

Don’t miss the message of her disastrous and monumental mistake. Looking back can be hazardous to your health!

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