
The Mind Is A Tool In The Hand Of God

The Mind Is A Tool In The Hand Of God

You must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding … because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.
Ephesians 4:17-18

You may not understand how one death 2,000 years ago can bring forgiveness of sins today, but you still believe it.


And building on that belief, your understanding begins to grow as you learn to lean on God rather than on your own understanding.

Reliance on human wisdom can keep you from God. But once enlightened by faith, your mind can also become a keen tool for God. Martin Luther describes the wise use of human wisdom.

“The natural wisdom of a human creature in matters of faith, until he is born anew, is altogether darkness. But in a person who is regenerated by the Holy Spirit through the Word, the mind is a glorious instrument and work of God: for all God’s gifts are wholesome to the good and godly.

“The understanding, through faith, receives life from faith; that which was dead is made alive again.

“Just as our bodies in broad daylight are likely to rise, move, and walk more readily and safely than they would in the dead of night, so it is with dark reason, which, when enlightened, does not strive against faith but rather advances it.”

Without faith it is impossible to please God (see Hebrews 11:6). Without faith, a person is in the dark concerning the things of God (see Romans 1:21).

Wisdom to understand God’s ways must come from a heavenly source. Therefore, “if any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God” (James 1:5).

If you wait until you understand all about God before you come to him, you will wait for eternity.

On the other hand, if you come to him today to learn from him, you’ll discover that you can both know and do his will.

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