
The Path To Nowhere In The Kingdom Of God

The Path To Nowhere In The Kingdom Of God

For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Luke 14:11

Can you imagine an awards presentation honoring the “Servant of the Year” … sponsored by the one receiving the award?


Humility and horn blowing. They simply don’t mix, according to Jesus in Luke 14.

The servant who seeks to shine the spotlight of recognition on his own achievements has forgotten an important truth.

Promotion in the business of heaven is based on sacrifice for others—not superiority over others, as A. W. Tozer explains.

“Watch out for the danger of arrogance in assuming that you are somebody indeed.

“The Lord will remind you of his own example, and will rebuke and chasten you in his own way.

“The Lord had no hired servants. He bossed no one around, and he never took a tyrannical attitude toward anyone. He never allowed any success or temporary honor to lead him astray.

“I think it is very good spiritual advice that we should never tie ourselves up to public opinion and never consider any honors we may receive as being due us because of our superior gifts.

“Early church fathers wrote that if a man feels he is getting somewhere in the kingdom of God, that’s pride. And until that dies, he is getting nowhere!”

The world applauds celebrities, but God delights in exalting faithful servants.

Self-acclaim may propel you to a position of worldly prominence—for a time. But the honor it brings is short-lived.

By contrast, consider Jesus’ example in the humiliation of the cross. What the public viewed as his hour of shame became instead the occasion for his exaltation.

It might not make good earthly sense to expect exaltation to follow humiliation. But in the kingdom of God, the way up has always been down!

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