
The Service Of Love In Every Situation

The Service Of Love In Every Situation

A prophet is not without honor except in his own town.
Mark 6:4

No glory. No recognition. No thanks. That’s why very few people make a career of being a servant. But servanthood is the calling of every true disciple of Christ.


In Mark 6 Jesus met rejection in Nazareth. There was no honor or welcome for the Savior in his own hometown. And yet his motivation to serve did not spring from a desire for human recognition.

Abraham Kuyper speaks of the proper motive for service.

“Let your life be one continuous service of love, a service which never grows irksome, a service which will ennoble even the smallest task.

“Do not seek the external, the visible, that which the world chooses as its goal. Seek instead that which is invisible—the hidden power behind the things we see.

“In short, seek the kingdom of God, where God is enthroned and self is denied.

“Seek these things not only in seasons of prayer and worship, but always—in every situation, in every daily task.

“See if God does not give you ample strength for your service of love. See if he does not increase your joy and fill your heart with an exhilarating peace such as you never knew before.”

Service for God puzzles the world.

Of what other work could it be said that the longer you work, the stronger you become? That the more you give, the more you want to give? That the higher the cause for anxiety, the deeper the cause for peace?

It’s clear that serving God may not add up in earthly dollars and “sense.”

But it’s hard to match the fringe benefits. Or the retirement plan!

Best of all, there are always positions open. And one is tailor-made for you.

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