
The Test Of Our Love

The Test Of Our Love

If anyone does not love the Lord, let that person be cursed! Come, Lord!.
1 Corinthians 16:22

The last chapter of 1 Corinthians poses the “final examination question” on which all others hinge: Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ?


No matter how impressive your record of service, how extensive the credentials or expertise you bring to the Lord or offer to his people, you must honestly answer that basic question. If you love the Lord with the same kind of love that a child shows a parent, you will pass life’s final exam—and all the others in between—as Charles Hodge explains.

“If we love Christ, we shall be zealous for his glory. Any neglect or irreverence shown the Savior will wound our hearts. Any honor rendered him will give us delight.

“We will love those who love and honor him, and avoid those who neglect and abuse him.

“The son who loves his father desires to please him, to do his will, obey his command, observe his counsel, always and in all places. So those who love Christ keep his commandments. This is the test of love for Christ: not emotion, not excited feelings, but obedience.

“What say you? Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ? On this question depends eternity.

“Here on earth those who love and those who do not love form distinct classes, though intermingled. Hereafter they will be separated. Do you desire to love? It is love only if it leads to a constant endeavor to do his will and to associate with his people.”

Jesus lovingly came to bring God’s love to earth. He lovingly served all who acknowledged their need. He lovingly sacrificed his life that sins might be forgiven.

Now he waits for you to return that love in simple gratitude, in loving obedience to him, in loving service to others, in loving fellowship with those who call him Lord.

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