
To Display The Loveliness Of Christ

To Display The Loveliness Of Christ

In everything set them an example by doing what is good … so that in every way [you] will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.
Titus 2:7,10

A picture frame—seemingly an afterthought to the picture itself—can either help or hinder the viewer’s appreciation of the picture.


The same could be said of the Christian life. The masterpiece of the gospel is breathtaking, but its beauty is either tarnished or enhanced by the Christian life that frames it.

F. B. Meyer has these thoughts on adorning the gospel with the right words and deeds.

“Even the lowliest worker might ‘make attractive’ the gospel as jewels make attractive the brow of beauty. Holy lives can display its loveliness.

“To please one’s superiors in all things, so far as our loyalty to Christ permits, is to commend Christ to our households and win his approval.

“The grace of God has ever offered salvation, but in Jesus it was brought to our doors.

“Have we sat sufficiently long in the school of grace that our gentle Teacher may instruct us how to live? It must be ‘self-controlled’ in regard to ourselves, ‘upright[ly]’ toward others, and ‘godly’ toward God (Titus 2:12). We cannot realize any one of these unless we resolutely deny ungodliness and worldly lusts.

“This was the aim and purpose of Jesus coming to die for us. He wanted to redeem us from all iniquity, purify us as his own, and use us in all manner of good works. It is a solemn question whether that supreme purpose has been realized in our own experience. If not, why not?”

A bad frame draws attention to itself; a good frame highlights that which it displays. In a similar way, certain qualities of life make the gospel attractive: “integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech” (Titus 2:7-8).

Surrounding your witness with these is one way to help others realize that “the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people” (Titus 2:11).

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